Perimenopause and Menopause


Fill out the Mq6 Tool to evaluate your perimenopausal symptoms

Perimenopause Women’s Health Matters from Canadian experts SOGC

FAQ and videos from The Menopause Society (formerly NAMS) and The Menopause Foundation of Canada

Baroness von Sketch comedy, Is it Perimenopause?

Hot flashes, vaginal dryness or burning with or without sex, changes in mood, irritability, concentration, sleep, fatigue are common.

These changes occur because the ovaries stop producing the hormones, estrogen and progesterone.

Hormonal and non-hormonal options can help during the perimenopausal transition.

Physician prescribing resources

Continue weight-bearing exercise and eating foods with calcium to support your bones.

See your family doctor for pap smears every 3 years until age 70 (Ontario), mammograms, and colorectal screening.

Any postmenopausal bleeding should be investigated.

  • Drugstore vaginal moisturizers with hyaluronic acid used indefinitely twice a week can help vaginal changes. Never douche.

    Sex never gets old (sponsored)

  • Vaginal / vulvar estrogen by prescription comes in cream, tablets, suppositories, or a ring

  • Water or silicone-based lubricants can help for painful intercourse

Dr Kirkham in Videos on Painful Sex or Hot Flashes and The Golden Era of Sex (ZoomerTV)

Menopause Book Club pick: Menopause Manifesto