Heavy Periods
Did you know? Anti-inflammatories from the drug store (ibuprofen or naproxen) can reduce pain and period flow by up to 50%. Minimize stomach upset by taking with food.
If your periods are extremely heavy, abnormal, or you are over 40 years old, you may need an endometrial biopsy. Pelvic ultrasounds also help us see if there are any fibroids or polyps inside the uterus that can cause heavy bleeding (more common age 30+). It is very common in the late 40s to have abnormal bleeding because the ovaries are no longer ovulating (releasing eggs) regularly.
Medications that work on your bleeding/clotting system (tranexamic acid) or on your ovary/uterus system (hormonal contraceptives or progestin intrauterine device IUD) can be used to manage bleeding. Large polyps and fibroids in the uterus cavity may require a surgical procedure, hysteroscopy.
Is It Time To See a Doc About Your Heavy Period?
Talking about heavy periods and treatments
Let’s Talk Period and bleeding assessment tool by hematologist Dr. Paula James
YourPeriod.ca from Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
Dietary sources of Iron from Dieticians of Canada; and/or use a cast iron pan for cooking.
Lucky Iron Fish